Bravo Locksmith Inc

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(917) 696-9718

Your Local Locksmith

Queens NY, Brooklyn, Jamaica, Manhattan, Long Island and surroing areas.

Emergency Locksmith 24/7

Need Help Right Away?

Your Local Locksmith, professionals available to you when you need them


24/7 Support

Available for you Anytime

Compatible Prices

Repair On Demand

Speed Builder

Team of Qualified Professionals

Welcome to Bravo Lokcsmith, your best option for locksmith emergencies

We are a family owned locksmith services established in the mid of 2015, Licensed  locksmith company operate in Queen NY, Brooklyn, Jamaica and surrounding areas. Brovo Locksmith specializes in emergency locksmith services, car keys made, key duplication, re-key locks, etc.

Our goals are:

0 +

Years Experience

Our Services

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Car Key Replacement

If you´ve lost can keys, or the´ve been stoles, you can get a replacement from Bravo Locksmith, Inc.


Car Lockout

If you find yourself in a car lockout emergency situation, contact our amergency car lockout locksmiths.


Lock Change

New lock installations are the first line of your security defense system, call us today to upgrade or change your locks.


Commercial Locksmith

Our commercial locksmith experts specialize in locksmith and security solutions for stores and offices.


House Lockout

Being locked out of your home is a hassle, especially if it happens late at nigth or after a long day at work.


Residential Locksmith

Our knowledgeable and friendly technicians are familiar with all types of residential services.

Do you have an emergency? Lost your keys?

All Your Locksmith needs with One Local Company

Our Work Process

We quickly attend to your locksmith emergencies with the most trained professionals

Call us

Call Bravo locksmith for a free estimate

We send a specialist

We send our best authorized locksmith who will help you wherever you are.

Service Done

We solve the locksmith emergency you need.

possitive feedback

client satisfaction

I was rushing to an event and locked myself from my home , I called bravo locksmith, they got to my location less then 15 min and they open my door really quick!!! you guys amazing thank you so much, I even made to the event on time you guys amazing
Naor Davidov
Got locked out of my apartment Ben got to my location in 15 min and less did an amazing job he open my door and replace me a new lock because I lost the keys

Did it very professional Thank you very much !!!
George Iliopoulos
Thank you very much, I got myself locked out of my apartment and Ben got to my location less then 15 min and he open my door in 2 min with amazing prices compared to different companies that I spoke over the phone !!

Thank you very much!!!
Emanuel Amuev

Contact us .

Our locksmiths have the required expertise to help you with all your locksmith needs. Request an stimate for FREE.

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